Hey, Mama! We have all been there – you book a photography session for your family and are suddenly overwhelmed because you have to manage to prep the entire family for it! For that reason, I have put together my five favorite tips for moms for family sessions!

Ashley Tip #1: Talk to Your Kids Before Arrival!
Kids have amazing imaginations. Undoubtedly, tapping into them is going to be a game-changer for your session. Make sure they know just how much fun they are going to have. Talk to them about the elements that are going to be around them. Is there sand or an ocean (one of my favorite spots is Big Talbot Island!)? Are there going to be big trees on a mountain? Get them excited!
Help your kids understand what these pictures mean to you. Most of the time, your kids want to please you and if they are aware of how much it means to you, they will be more willing to behave during the session!
For more tips on how to talk to your kids, check out my last blog post!
Prepping Your Kids for Your Photo Session
Ashley Tip #2: Give Yourself Plenty of Time!
Above all else, YOU ARE A SUPERHERO – plain and simple! You rush around the day of your session getting your kids and the family dressed and ready. They look absolutely incredible, but guess what?! It usually leaves little to no time for you to get ready!
Planning your day ensures that you are giving yourself PLENTY of time to get ready!

Ashley Tip #3: Give Yourself a Mommy Makeover!
One HUGE way to help manage the stress of a family session is to take the time to pamper yourself! Mama, you deserve it! Book a hair, nail and/or makeup appointment to make sure you are picture ready and feeling great!
Sometimes as a mom, you want to shake things up, I get it! However, do not use this time to try something new! If you prefer to have more of a natural look, stick to that! Save that new hairstyle you found on Pinterest for another day!
Ashley Tip #4: Ask Dad for Help!
If you are anything like me, you are the one who has to take charge and make sure everything is together before you leave.
Now is the time to ask Dad to jump in and help! Once he is completely ready, have him help get the kids’ shoes on and buckled into the car while you finish getting yourself ready and relax for a little bit before you have to go!
Ashley Tip #5: Have fun with your family!!
Lastly, my biggest recommendation? Try your best not to stress! This session is a perfect time to just enjoy your time with you sweet family! Laugh and don’t feel like you need to look at the camera. Want to know a secret? I actually encourage you not to! Additionally, do not for get to play and interact with your kids!
If you only remember one thing, let it be this: the more relaxed you are, the more relaxed your kids are.

I hope you found these tips for moms for family sessions helpful! Just remember, this should be a great experience for you family. Put all of your expectations aside and just focus on having fun! At the end of the day, I want to be able to create memories for you to look back on!
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