For Photographers

Programs I Use Everyday As a Photographer

November 9, 2022

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I'm Ashley!

 Just your average Mom trying to keep the chaos as organized as possible! I'm an enneagram two, a coffee addict, and a firm believer that warm sunshine and salty air can cure all. 


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Let's chat about how we can capture the genuine moments with your family!

I wanted to talk about the programs I use every day as a family photographer that allows me to be successful and organized! When I started out as a family photographer, it was overwhelming with how many programs that were out there for photographers. Through a lot of trial and error, I found the programs that are not only the most helpful, but also offer me exactly what I need to run a successful business as a family photographer.

So here are my the five programs I use everyday as a family photographer!

Ashley Ammons Family Photographer in Jacksonville, FL

Honeybook- The best CRM program!

I use Honeybook for all of my client communication, booking and organizing. It is the most comprehensive CRM system available, and it has the best customer service I’ve experienced so far. After I book a session, I can add the date to Honeybook with a click of a button and then send out an invoice and contract to my clients. I like to send a questionnaire before the shoot asking questions about what they would like to do during their photo shoot to get to know the families. Honeybook allows me to do that plus send my session guides! It’s a way for me to stay organized and keep all my clients in one spot, like my own private secretary! I

Try Honeybook for $1 a month for 8 months!

Using Honeybook keeps me organized and successful

Narrative Select- My culling software

Narrative Select is a culling software for Mac users and is an important part of my everyday work as a family photographer. It helps me quickly select the images that I want to edit as part of my client galleries. It shows me which images are in focus, when eyes are closed, and the best image out of a series of shots, which makes post-processing faster and easier.

Try Narrative Select for Free!!

Adobe Lightroom- User friendly Editing program

I use Adobe Lightroom to edit all my family photos. It’s the most versatile and user-friendly editing software on the market. I just add my preset to all the images I culled through and make minor adjustments. What I love about Lightroom is that it doesn’t have a steep learning curve like Photoshop does, so you can start using it right away! If you need help learning what all the tools are and how to use each of the sliders, I do offer a course that teaches you how to edit in lightroom with ease!

To learn more about the editing course, click here!

Family session at the beach in Jacksonville, FL

Cloudspot- The best gallery host

Cloudspot is gallery delivery service to help my clients share their images with friends and family. It’s so simple, all the client needs to do is select their images or download all them with one click! They can then order prints, albums and holiday cards with a few clicks as well. By far the best storefront I have seen in any gallery host! Their customer service is fantastic, always on hand to help if you get stuck. The galleries are completely customizable and it’s easy for your clients to choose their favorite images. Best of all, you can try it for free and receive 50% off your first year here!

Flodesk- Program for email marketing

I use Flodesk for email marketing. I like it because it is easy to use and has a lot of templates that are very customizable. It is also easy to track clicks and open rates, so I can see what works best for my audience. I use Flodesk for email marketing. I like it because it is easy to use and has a lot of templates that are very customizable. It is also easy to track clicks and open rates, so I can see what works best for my audience. With so many customization options I am able to personalize the email with any design, font or text layout I want. There is even an option for embedding social media links into the emails and links! I use this to market to my VIP clients for mini session dates or any sales I have!

These are the programs I use everyday as a photographer, are there any other programs you love?

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  1. […] and brain space. Two of my best time hacks? Settling on a great set of Lightroom presets (one of my essential everyday business tools!) and using email templates for quick client inquiry responses. My signature style is captured in […]

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