My most asked question from photographers is how to get sharper images in your photos.
In photography, this can be one of the most frustrating things! I mean, you can have ALL of the things that you think you need: correct lighting, beautiful location, and fun games! However, your images are still way too soft.

Here are 5 of my secrets on how I get sharp images!
Using back button focus allows you to continually focus on moving objects! To use this button, make sure you are pushing down your focus button before you push the shutter!
If I could recommend one thing, it would be this! I swear by it!
Ashley Tip #2: SINGLE POINT AF
When you use this option for your AF point, it ensures that the most important element (your subjects) in AI image will be sharply focused!
Ashley Tip #3: AL SERVO (or AF-C for Nikon)
This, in particular, is perfect for moving subjects!
It allows your camera to continuously focus on those subjects!
Ashley Tip #4: SETTINGS
I have a minimum and a maximum for everything! For my shutter speed, I will never go slower than 1/320 when my families have kids! My aperture, also, generally stays at 3.2 but will never go below 2.8 with moving subjects!
If you want more information on why these are my minimum and maximum settings, check out my YouTube video!
When I am at a session and my family is moving, I typically put the focus point on the chest of the person who is in the middle.
I know! I know! Everyone says to put it on the eyes to make sure the eyes are in focus! However, with moving people, it is easy for the eye to come out of that little square that tells your camera what is supposed to be in focus.
Since I do not typically shoot with a wide aperture (an f-stop lower than 2.8), I can get everything in focus even when I am pointing my focus on a person’s chest!

As a photographer, I know how important it is to capture sharp images! I truly hope these tips for getting sharper images in your photos help!
I continuously use these so they are tried and true!
Make sure to check out the latest blog: 3 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD GET BEACH FAMILY PICTURES
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